Where are you originally from?
Born in Manhattan, moved to Westchester as a child.
How did you get started in tech sales?
I got started in Tech Sales with DI & PIMM back in 2017 as a Telesales Manager.
Have you always been interested in technology?
I'm an 80's child, the original video games and computers were my generation growing up. The passion for technology and sales began early.
Where do you think technology is headed next?
Technology is trending towards a mobile focused, consumer-controlled economy. Information availability is greater now than ever. Businesses will rely more on web-generated sales than in person sales.
What do you think technology has forever improved about our lives/society?
Without question, technology has connected, opened the minds, and opportunities for the entire Globe. There are boundless ways for individuals to build a brand and monetize.
What are some of your favorite websites you've seen and why?
My favorite Website is ours, https://www.wixseomarketing.com/ Not just because I love and sell our Brand daily, it's because our site has every interactive component, latest design styles and exquisite presentation. It leaves no questions about the poise, expertise, talent and know-how of our Team.
What do you think the 3 main components of successful design are?
I feel a site should be *Mobile Friendly First, tell a story with an offering of the initial value, and conclude the experience with a seamless call to action.
Besides technology and sales, what are some of your hobbies?
Besides Technology, I love Exercising, Chess, Podcasts and Sunday Drives with my daughter.
Do you have a favorite show these days?
My favorite show is Jocko Podcast https://jockopodcast.com/.
Do you have a favorite book?
My favorite book is The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
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