Guaranteed & Immediate Search Results
Today, the best way to achieve page one results in local searches for keywords important to your business is pay-per-click advertising. Since Google is the world's largest search engine, the most popular PPC product is Google Ads (Bing also offers a PPC product). At PIMM-USA, we understand the nuances and complexities of a pay-per-click search. As digital marketing experts, our skilled online advertising team customizes and manages successful PPC campaigns for a growing percentage of clients while carefully monitoring the results to maximize their ROI.
Guaranteed & Immediate Search Results
With variables such as a business's location, level of online competition, and other factors at play, it can take your company upwards of three months to earn a first page ranking in unpaid, organic search. Although it's essential to focus on SEO and your business to earning a page one ranking in organic search, there's also a way to achieve immediate and guaranteed results. With Google Ads (Google's PPC product), and our help, you can rocket your business to prominence in page one search! At PIMM-USA, our dedicated online advertising team provides the guidance, implementation, and management needed to run successful pay-per-click campaigns.
Unique Landing Pages
What's a landing page? Once online searchers click on your ad, they get taken to an attractive and engaging landing page featuring concise, relevant information, attractive imagery, and inspiring calls-to-action. As skilled digital marketing experts, we create purposeful and appealing landing pages to encourage new contacts with your business. Our goal is to maximize conversions and turn online searchers into clients. Because the results matter, every landing page comes complete with a dedicated Ads tracking number, enabling you to evaluate the success of each campaign.
Dedicated Pay-Per-Click Account Management
PPC campaigns are complex endeavors that require strategy, careful planning, and implementation to maximize your ROI. Because you pay for each click, it's essential to understand what it takes to maximize the success of each campaign. At PIMM-USA, we provide our pay-per-click clients with a dedicated and experienced team to handle the sophisticated ad placement bidding systems and to interpret metrics like "Quality Score" and "Click-Through Rates." In addition to establishing your account(s), choosing advertising keywords, creating the ads, and building landing pages, to tracking and reporting results, we keep you well informed every step of the way. Our team regularly reaches out to clients to discuss the success of each PPC campaign, their budget, and other services or specials they would like to promote.
Tracking Your Results
Although first page results are immediate and guaranteed, the cost of PPC advertising with Google Ads and Bing Ads can quickly add up. Since you pay for each click, it's essential to expertly track your results and the success of each campaign. At PIMM-USA, we value your investment and your trust. We're mindful of your pocketbook and do all we can to optimize the success of every campaign while maximizing the return on your investment. We take pride in our unparalleled level of customer service and pay meticulous attention to every campaign. We’ve also set up an easy-to-use system that enables PPC clients to access and discuss their information, set their budget, track how many new calls their business receives, and calculate their ROI.